Домой Обучение Shadow Theatre Workshop: Level 1 for Adults

Shadow Theatre Workshop: Level 1 for Adults

Nov 6, 2016 @ 16:30 – 19:30
Studio 311
135 Séraphin-Marion Private
Ottawa, ON K1N 1A2
Shadow Theatre Workshop: Level 1 for Adults @ Studio 311 | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Всех творческих взрослых приглашаем на два мастер-класса по театру теней от Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre! Великолепная возможность научиться новому мастерству, чтобы применять его в своей художественной работе, педагогической деятельности и даже дома, удивив своих детей невероятным миром теней!
6 ноября и 4 декабря на Театральном факультете Оттавского университета. Подробная информация по ссылкам.
Ждём вас в нашем театре!
Уровень 1: https://www.facebook.com/events/520078708200865/
Уровень 2: https://www.facebook.com/events/1765180240407648/
This workshop is created for Adults (17+). Professionals, students, teachers, as well as beginners who have passion for magical theatre are invited to participate!

– BASICS OF SHADOW TECHNIQUE. Technical skills: what kind of lamps, screens, materials you need to set up effective shadow theatre. How to operate shadow puppetry.
– WARM UP. Practical exercises for your hands and arms that will train your body to be firm since shadow operation requires precision in your hands and the whole body.
– CREATION OF SHADOW PUPPETRY. Students will learn how make their own shadow silhouettes and how to select props that will look beautiful on the screen.
– SCENE WORK. Students will work with their shadow puppets and learn to operate them while telling an original story on stage.

Instructors: Ekaterina Vetrov and Alexander Vetrov
Location: Studio 311, Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa.
Duration: 3 hours.

Price: Adults $40, Students $30.
(Price includes the materials you will be using, so you are welcome to take home your shadow puppets).

To reserve your spot, please, contact:
Ekaterina Vetrov
Payment options: Email Transfer, In Person, Online.
REGISTER ONLINE: http://onceuponakingdom.com/shadow-ws-registration/

What to bring:
– Comfortable clothes, preferably black;
– Indoor shoes;
– Bottle of water;
– Adventurous mood!

This workshop will be followed by Level 2 on December 4th where students will learn to:
– use Moving Screens of all sizes and shapes,
– create Colour Shadows,
– include your body into the shadow picture or use it as a screen,
– and how to apply shadow theatre to your own shows or teaching practices.
Join here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1765180240407648/