May 21, 2016 @ 18:00 – 20:00
University of Ottawa - Academic Hall
135 Séraphin-Marion Private
Ottawa, ON K1N 1A2
$12 - Adult, $10 - Child (14 and under)
FINAL STUDENT SHOWS 2016 @ University of Ottawa - Academic Hall | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Once Upon a Kingdom Children’s Theatre Studio presents an evening of TWO shows…

“The Legend of Parvana Lake”/ “Легенда о Неугасимом Огне”
by Advanced Acting class
Directed by Ekaterina Vetrov
An original show presented in Ottawa just once before it takes off to the World Festival of Children’s Theatre in Startford, ON in June 2016!

“Legend of Parvana Lake” tells a story about a beautiful Princess who decided to choose a husband by setting a challenge to the knights to find the Eternal Flame and bring it to her. But years pass, the Princess waits and waits looking through the windows of her castle, but none of the men come back… When the Princess losses her hope she starts crying. Her tears flood the valley and the castle creating a lake that is clear like a child’s tear. What happened to all those brave men and why didn’t they come back?…

This magical legend told through poetic text carries an ancient story about creation of one of the most gorgeous lakes in Georgia – Parvana Lake. The show incorporates the styles of physical theatre, shadow theatre and contemporary dance.
Actors use Russian, English and Armenian languages to tell this story, but most of all – their body language.

“The Flying Machine”
by Intermediate Acting class
Adapted by Alexandra Isenor

Time passes slowly for the children of St.Ruth’s Hospital as they attempt to enjoy what little they have in their small confined room. But when a new patient joins their ward they will find new hope in finally seeing what lies outside the hospital walls and discovering what secrets have kept them in.

Infusing movement and shadows into this adapted piece, the Intermediate English class will bring this new project to the main stage for the first time. Not only developing their characters, students have worked on props, set, lighting and sound to bring this piece to life.
Language of presentation is English.

You can find more info on the event page on Facebook