Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

Приглашаем ребят и их родителей посмотреть за один вечер сразу два волшебных спектакля для детей!
1) “The Magic Paintbrush”/ “Волшебная кисточка”
Comedic Fairy-tale
Directed by Ekaterina Vetrov (Katya Vetrov)
Presented by students of Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre Studio (Ottawa, ON).
2) “The Flying Ship”/ “Летучий корабль”
Мusical Fairy-tale
Directed by Ivan Logvinov
Presented by students of Russian “Solo School” in Atlanta (USA).
The shows are part of the International Multicultural Children’s Theatre Exchange: Ottawa meets Atlanta program.
This year the language of presentation is Russian.
Спектакли пройдут в рамках нового международного проекта “Программа обмена детских театров”.
Suitable for children ages 6 and up.
Tickets: $20 for the evening (includes both shows).
Tickets on sale at Russian store “Stolichni ” (2280 Carling Ave) or
online on our Website:
For group prices or other info, please, contact:
613-868-8343 (Ekaterina) or 613-986-8118 (Alexander)