С 19 июня по 1 июля приглашаем Вас на TD Ottawa Jazz Festival, который будет проходить в центре Оттавы. Вся информация на сайте http://ottawajazzfestival.com/
Explore the journey from cow to cone and get the scoop on ice cream and dairying.
The world’s largest chamber music festival presents early music, core repertoire, contemporary, and fringe in historic churches and landmark venues across downtown Ottawa.
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Приглашаем посетить выставку 1300 бабочек, которая проходит с 3 октября по 12 октября на территории Carleton University в Nesbitt Biology Building. Подробная информация http://carleton.ca/biology/annual-butterfly-show/
On your next PD day, join us in the kitchen to celebrate World Chef Day. On Friday October 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Museum will be hosting a workshop on cooking and[...]
Что, снова осень? Не беда, Мы приглашаем всех туда, Где будет музыка и смех, Где отдыхают лучше всех ! Приглашаем всех на зажигательную Оттавскую Дискотеку! В связи с наступающим Хелоуином – костюмы приветствуются! Работает мини-бар.
At our Halloween at Horaceville event, enjoy the treats that traditional Halloween pranksters did, carve pumpkins and listen to some audience-appropriate scary stories!
Проф. Александр Берлянт читает лекцию о Фёдоре Ивановиче Тютчеве (1803-1873). На русском языке: лекция, чтение стихов; сопровождается видеоматериалами.
Приглашаем Вас на домашний концерт Вероники Долиной с программой “В зеленом платье, по холодной улице..” Пожалуйста, резервируйте места заранее по телефону:613-226-69-70, 613-599-79-39 Информация об авторе http://veronikadolina.ru/
Bundle up for an evening stroll through this picture-perfect postcard setting! Close to one million lights adorn the heritage buildings, trees and fences of Upper Canada Village creating a one-of-a-kind magical backdrop for its annual Alight[...]
Saturday, December 5th, 2015 10:30am, 12:00pm, 13:30pm This show is created specifically for the youngest audience members – 6 months to 5 years old. Children will be invited into soft and stimulating atmosphere where they[...]
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Приглашаем Вас и ваших детей на спектакль-мюзикл «Василиса Прекрасная» Московского Музыкального театра «Русский Терем». Персонажи из разных народных сказок, которые никогда не встречались раньше вместе, объединились в одном сказочном необыкновенном приключении. А ведь герои известные. Куда же[...]
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Yes we are turning 10! And we invite you to celebrate this milestone with us with LIVE PERFORMANCE OF : IVANUSHKI INTERNATIONAL – North American Tour 2016 TICKETS: http://bit.ly/Kaboom10YEARS BOTTLE SERVICE: MITYA BORRO – 416.820.9465[...]
Winterlude – ежегодный фестиваль зимы, а точнее – зимних канадских развлечений! В этом году он будет проходить с 29-го января по 15-ое февраля в трёх локациях: Crystal Garden(Confederation Park, Ottawa), Rideau Canal Skateway (Ottawa), Snowflake[...]
Alexei Alexeev. Independent Scholar The inaugural event of a cycle of lectures on the Early Slavic History at the University of Ottawa. Genesis of the Prominent European Ethno-Linguistic Group through the Lens of Archaeological, Linguistic and Historiographical Studies.[...]
Grab your Mickey ears and get ready for the ultimate Disney experience at Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic! Be charmed by a cast of over 50, with Mouse-ter of Ceremonies Mickey Mouse,[...]
Новорожденный, но энергичный театральный коллектив «Зебра» ZEBRA Theatre in Ottawa – Театр ЗЕБРА в Оттаве (художественный руководитель – Мария Конева) приглашает детей и их родителей на постановку Сказки о Потерянном времени (по мотивам Е. Шварца).[...]
Студенческий клуб украинцев Карлетона приглашает Вас на мастер-класс украинского повара по приготовлению вареников! Приходите с друзьями и узнайте как правильно готовится это традиционное блюдо украинской кухни. Следите за страничкой мероприятия на Facebook что бы узнать[...]