С 19 июня по 1 июля приглашаем Вас на TD Ottawa Jazz Festival, который будет проходить в центре Оттавы. Вся информация на сайте http://ottawajazzfestival.com/
This annual celebration of the historic dragon boat tradition takes place at Mooney’s Bay, along the Rideau River. This is North America’s largest dragon boat event, in which more than 200 teams compete! In addition[...]
Explore the journey from cow to cone and get the scoop on ice cream and dairying.
The world’s largest chamber music festival presents early music, core repertoire, contemporary, and fringe in historic churches and landmark venues across downtown Ottawa.
Ottawa’s first annual Ukrainian Festival will light the nation’s capital with all that is Ukrainian! Friday, July 24, 2015 (8:00 pm – 1:00 am) – 1000 Byron Ave (no Vendors) Saturday, July 25, 2015 (11:00[...]
Visit the historic Sparks Street and watch Incredible Street Performers from around the world. Shows for the whole family including jugglers,escape artists, acrobats, fire eaters, and more!
A Fun Festival Celebrating Ottawa Street Food and Drinks! With Food Trucks, Local Chefs, and Brewery Craftsman! Food and Beer tickets: IN ADVANCE ONLY! $20 for the price of $15 Or 20 for 20 at[...]
Overview 2015 Navan Fair – Fun for the Whole Herd – Aug 6-9, 2015 Let Navan Fair be your summer tradition! Launched in 1946, this rural celebration is a showcase of agricultural excellence and is[...]
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Overview One of Ottawa’s longest running cultural festivals takes place every August. This annual 11 day event features live Greek music and traditional Greek dances, excellent Greek cuisine, cooking demonstrations, Greek language lessons, Greek traditional[...]
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Hop on a magic carpet and travel to the lands of Arabia for a night filled with new experiences, dancing and exciting performances. The moment you enter the gates of the Bazaar, every one of[...]
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Come see spend five incredible evenings as some of the best international pyrotechnical teams in the world demonstrate their skills in the most spectacular display of light and sound you’ll ever see!
Overview Ottawa Craft Beer Festival, The largest Craft Beer Festival in Ontario, showcases exceptionally crafted craft beers and local eateries. Designed to promote the appreciation of Craft Brewed Beers and local artisanal cuisine. This August will[...]
Save the date for Trailwest SummerFest 2015! Bouncy Castle, 27 foot slide, pop corn, cotton candy, and BBQ. The Balloon guy Brian will twist any animal for you, face painter create amazing picture to remember.[...]
Друзья, приглашаем вас на осеннюю встречу Дворика, которая состоится в Britannia Park, Trolley Station 20 сентября с 14:00 до 19:00! КАК БЫВАЕТ? Весна 2015 – https://dvorik.ca/2015/05/bbq-spring-2015/ Осень 2014 – https://dvorik.ca/2014/09/bbq-fall-2014/ Весна 2014 – https://dvorik.ca/2014/05/bbq-spring-2014/ Осень[...]
Enjoy a fun filled day in the country at the “Best Little Fair in Canada.” With great music, great shows and a huge midway you’ll find something for the entire family! Feel the exhilaration of[...]
G’Day Eh! Oktoberfest Ottawa 2015 is Ottawa’s premier Eastern Ontario Fall Harvest celebration and cultural festival. With many local performers, artisans and great local food and beverages, Oktoberfest Ottawa has grown to be THE major[...]
Take advantage of your visit to Mont Cascades: purchase your season pass at the preferred rates and register to our various snow school programs. The ski lift will be in operation (panoramic view) Local arts[...]
Что, снова осень? Не беда, Мы приглашаем всех туда, Где будет музыка и смех, Где отдыхают лучше всех ! Приглашаем всех на зажигательную Оттавскую Дискотеку! В связи с наступающим Хелоуином – костюмы приветствуются! Работает мини-бар.
Дорогие девушки! Приглашаем вас на осенние посиделки. ЧТО БУДЕТ В ЭТОТ РАЗ? По многочисленным просьбам после последней встречи, мы решили уделить больше времени знакомству, общению, развлечениям и играм. Вас ожидает интересная развлекательная программа, непринужденная обстановка,[...]
Проф. Александр Берлянт читает лекцию о Фёдоре Ивановиче Тютчеве (1803-1873). На русском языке: лекция, чтение стихов; сопровождается видеоматериалами.
Приглашаем Вас на домашний концерт Вероники Долиной с программой “В зеленом платье, по холодной улице..” Пожалуйста, резервируйте места заранее по телефону:613-226-69-70, 613-599-79-39 Информация об авторе http://veronikadolina.ru/
Founded in 1984, the European Union Film Festival is an annual showcase of the best of contemporary cinema produced in the European Union. Over the span of eighteen days, the Canadian Film Institute brings Ottawa[...]
Приглашаем на 3-ий Русский Рождественский Базар 21 ноября с 9.00 до 15.00. A unique holiday bazaar! The 3nd annual Russian Christmas Bazaar is around the corner with tons of unique gifts and goodies that will help[...]
Приглашаем на Украинский Рождественский базар 22 ноября с 12.00 до 14.30.
Yes we are turning 10! And we invite you to celebrate this milestone with us with LIVE PERFORMANCE OF : IVANUSHKI INTERNATIONAL – North American Tour 2016 TICKETS: http://bit.ly/Kaboom10YEARS BOTTLE SERVICE: MITYA BORRO – 416.820.9465[...]