Домой Календарь


Jun 18 – Jun 23 all-day
Вы не знаете, что такое OTTAWA RIBFEST? Просто посмотрите видео!    Соревнования команд из Канады и США, лучшие ребрышки, соусы и многое другое:) Точное время смотрите в календаре.
Jun 19 @ 09:00 – Jun 22 @ 23:00 Theatres around Ottawa
The Ottawa Fringe Festival’s mandate is to afford all artists the opportunity to produce their art—regardless of experience, content, form or style—and for the event to be affordable and accessible to the community. The result[...]
Jun 22 @ 22:00 – Jun 23 @ 03:00 Ottawa Dance Sport School
The Summer Performance Party is coming up soon – June 22nd, Sunday at 6 pm. The sign-up sheet is now up at the studio. The tickets are $20 when purchased at the door and after[...]
Jun 25 @ 19:00 – 20:30 Home of the Musical Ride.
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Jun 26 @ 19:00 – 20:30 Home of the Musical Ride.
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Jun 27 @ 19:00 – 20:30 Home of the Musical Ride.
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Jun 28 @ 19:00 – 20:30 Home of the Musical Ride.
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Jun 29 @ 19:00 – 20:30 Home of the Musical Ride.
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Jul 1 – Jul 2 all-day Ottawa–Gatineau
Празднование Дня Канады состоится на Parliament Hill, в парках даунтауна, и на улицах всего города! Церемонии, развлечения для детей, музыкальные и акробатические представлений, фейерверки и многое-многое другое!
Jul 3 @ 09:00 – Jul 13 @ 23:45 LeBreton Flats
The Ottawa Bluesfest is ranked by Billboard Magazine as one of the top-10 most successful outdoor music festivals in the world. People travel from far and wide to attend the ‘fest, and music fans in[...]
Jul 3 @ 19:00 – Aug 16 @ 22:00 Ottawa Parks, www.fools.ca for details
A Company of Fools is back with the ever popular Torchlight Shakespeare – bringing Shakespeare to Ottawa’s parks all summer long! This season the hilarious romantic comedy As You Like It will play July 3rd-August[...]
Jul 6 @ 10:15 – 11:00 Cafe Alternatif, Simard Hall
Младшая студия театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) покажет отрывки из спектакля “Путешествие с планеты на планету” в рамках оттавского музыкального фестиваля Music & Beyond. Фантазия на тему космоса, звёзд и инопланетных жителей,[...]
Jul 9 @ 02:00 – Sep 7 @ 01:30 Parliament Hill
С 8 июля по 6 сентября вас ждет потрясающее световое и музыкальное шоу “MOSAIKA”. В получасовом представлении зрители погружаются в историческое и культурное  путешествие по Канаде. 8 июля – 16 августа, 10:00 pm 17 –[...]
Jul 13 @ 18:30 Дом Петра Шварцмана
13го июля в 18:30 в доме у Петра Шварцмана состоится концерт Светланы и Саши Менделевых. Саша и Светлана поют вместе уже больше 30 ти лет. Света пишет стихи. Исполняют вместе. Светины стихи  вошли в антологию авторской песни Суханова. В 2005 году ,[...]
Jul 18 @ 18:00 – 21:00 Trolley Station
Дорогие наши дамы! Мы с вами давно не виделись, поэтому пришло время для летнего девичника. В этот раз мы решили устроить вечерний пикник для девочек. Что приносить?  Все, что удобно кушать на пикнике в женской[...]
Jul 24 – Aug 7 all-day
Expose your mind and soul to the extraordinary sounds of Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival (Ottawa Chamberfest). The largest chamber music festival in the world, Ottawa Chamberfest presents more than 100 performances from renowned artists[...]
Jul 24 @ 20:00 – Aug 24 @ 22:00
This year’s show, The Financier (Turcaret) by Alain-René Lesage, original translation by Joanne Miller and Laurie Steven, sees the return of founder and artistic director, Laurie Steven directing in the park for the first time since 2005. This[...]
Jul 26 @ 15:00 – 18:00 Annush Bakery
Приглашаю всех ко мне на мастер класс!! Есть желающие? Записывайтесь!!  В программе три вида теста: 1. Сладкие сдобные булочки с изюмом 2. Пирожки с яблоками 3. Рулет с яблоками и изюмом/ шоколадом 4. Цельнозерновой хлеб[...]
Jul 26 @ 20:00 – 23:00 Dance With Us Ottawa
We have a great sound track prepared for you that includes ALL dances and styles. So whether you practice International or American style, Disco or Salsa, we have the music for you!On our playlist is:[...]
Aug 3 @ 14:00 – Oct 5 @ 15:30 Different locations around Ottawa
Heritage Ottawa’s 2014 Walking Tours: Join Heritage Ottawa’s experienced tour guides for walks highlighting some of Ottawa’s finest architecture. The tours last one hour and a half, rain or shine. No reservations required.  Rideau Canal[...]
Aug 8 – Aug 10 all-day Almonte
The Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival is a high quality international event that celebrates the art of puppetry – a folk art found in every country of the world that speaks to the young and[...]
Aug 16 @ 07:00 – 18:00 TBD
City Chase is… ADVENTURE – Canada’s largest and first urban adventure series UNIQUE – an urban adventure that requires participants to exhibit teamwork, resourcefulness, determination and the ability to make decisions on the fly! CHALLENGING – ChasePoints are[...]
Aug 16 @ 18:00 – 23:00 New Edinburgh Park
The Lumière Festival, presented each year by the New Edinburgh Community & Arts Centre, is held every year within the month of August. Through lantern-making workshops and community outreach initiatives. Lumière encourages people to come together and share[...]
Aug 30 @ 20:00 – 23:00 Dance With Us Ottawa
Cover charge is $10.00 per person and includes a 45 minutes group class for all levels. GREAT VALUE! Not To Be Missed!We have a great sound track prepared for you that includes ALL dances and[...]
Sep 6 @ 13:00 – 18:00
Dear friends, We would like to invite Ottawa students to our annual Welcome BBQ at Vincent Massey Park. Great company and delicious food guaranteed. USEE team has prepared lots of entertainment for our guests during[...]
Sep 13 @ 18:00
Дорогие друзья!Приглашаем вас на концерт Вадима Егорова и Весты Соляниной в программе «Танцы на Пашне». Концерт состоится в субботу 13 сентября в 6 часов вечера по адресу: 4 Parkland Court, Ottawa (не путать с Parkland[...]
Sep 14 @ 15:00 – 20:00 Trolley Station
Друзья! С огромной радостью, мы приглашаем вас на очередной Осенний Пикник, который состоится в Britannia Park, Trolley Station 14 сентября с 15:00 до 20:00! В этот раз мы не просто собираемся на закрытие сезона, а[...]
Sep 20 @ 08:00 – Sep 21 @ 18:00 Ottawa Convention Centre
One of the Best Ballroom Dancing Competition in Canada !!! Professional – Amateur – Pro-Am International & American Style Brought to you by : Josée Lépine , Ieva Pauksena & Danny Quilliam At the Spectacular[...]
Sep 27 @ 18:00 – Nov 2 @ 22:00 Saunders Farm
Fright Fest: Nights at Saunders Farm. Saunders Farm hosts Ottawa’s scariest fall haunt attraction featuring 5 Fright Sites including the Barn of Terror & Haunted Hayride, Live shows and more fearfully good fun. 2014 Dates[...]
Sep 30 @ 20:00 – 22:00 Avant-Garde Bar
Hey Russophiles! Our first event is at Avant-Garde Bar (beside the Agora bookstore) on Tuesday, September 30th! From 8pm to 10pm. This is a free event and open to all those interested in Russian culture[...]