Kidsfest Ottawa 2014, the 13th annual Capital Parent & Kids Show is Ottawa’s longest running and premiere parent and kid show! At Kidsfest Ottawa families will enjoy quality family-fun entertainment including stage shows, interactive[...]
Kidsfest Ottawa 2014, the 13th annual Capital Parent & Kids Show is Ottawa’s longest running and premiere parent and kid show! At Kidsfest Ottawa families will enjoy quality family-fun entertainment including stage shows, interactive[...]
Anna Marchenko, Zumba Jammer will be in Ottawa for a smokin hot Master Class atStudio X Ottawa! Anna is an international presenter and was recently featured on ZIN 44! You don’t want to miss that[...]
Дорогие дамы! Весенние “ДЕВИЧЬИ ПОСИДЕЛКИ” объявляются открытыми! Основная тема нашего мероприятия “Весна”. В этот раз мы решили не задавать направление, а предоставить вам возможность выбрать темы, которые хотелось бы обсудить! Поэтому комментарии и предложения очень[...]
On Friday, April 25th there is Night Fairy Violin by Vasyl Popadiuk (brilliant and outstanding Ukrainian musician who over the years performed in concerts and at music festivals in many countries, including Ukraine, Poland and[...]
Anna Baksheeva’s Masters Degree Recital with guest artists Ioulia Blinova, piano and Andrew Mah, guitar. Featuring music for violin solo, violin and paino and violin and guitar by Telemann Mozart Brahms Tchaikovski Bazzini Piazzola
Come out to Ottawa’s most comprehensive and informative prenatal, baby and toddler event to learn all you need to know about this wonderful stage in life! Talk to the experts face-to-face, attend free expert seminars,[...]
We have a great sound track prepared for you that includes ALL dances and styles. So whether you practice International or American style, Disco or Salsa, we have the music for you!On our playlist is:[...]
Come out to Ottawa’s most comprehensive and informative prenatal, baby and toddler event to learn all you need to know about this wonderful stage in life! Talk to the experts face-to-face, attend free expert seminars,[...]
Since 1985, the Ottawa International Children’s Festival (OICF) has hosted an annual celebration of the best in live performing arts for children. Creating programs for children aged four to 15, the Festival focuses on enriching school curriculum[...]
The world’s largest tulip festival, now encompassing an 10-day celebration each May, was established in 1953 to preserve the heritage of Canada’s role in liberating the Dutch during the Second World War. The symbolic tulip –[...]
Старашая студия театра “В Некотором Царстве” (дети 10-14 лет). Наши юные театральные критики устроят прямо перед вами обсуждение и разбор только что просмотренных спектаклей. Дискуссия пройдёт на английском языке. Sat. May 10th at 1:15 and[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” ( – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Мыльные пузыри” по скандинавской сказке Синкен Хопп. Представление пройдёт на фестивале Ottawa International Children’s Festival, 100[...]
Дорогие друзья! В субботу, 10 мая 2014г., в 8:30 вечера в оттавской студии спортивных танцев (Ottawa Dance Sport Studio) по адресу 1547 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, состоится концерт электронной и рок-музыки. “Red/Blue Virtual” Автор музыки, аранжировок[...]
Друзья, вот и сошел бесконечный канадский снег! Солнце уже упорно намекает нам о близости лета, а погода позволяет проводить много времени на улице. Поэтому, с огромной радостью, мы приглашаем вас всей семьей на очередной[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Путешествие с планеты на планету”: фантазия на тему космоса, звёзд и[...]
Junior English Group (ages 8-13) of Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre. Physical performance that presents mask work, poems, choreography and elements of stage combat. We invite audiences of all ages! Followed by celebration and potluck[...]
It is a community event organized by the Glebe Community Association since 1986. Homeowners in the Glebe are the primary vendors working on their front lawns, driveways and porches. Collectively they make one giant sale[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Мыльные пузыри” по скандинавской сказке Синкен Хопп. После представления – праздничный[...]
I will be performing 5-6 songs and some piano improvisations at RAW Showcase in Ottawa on 29th of May. I will be happy to see you at the event! RAW events are multi-faceted artistic showcases.[...]
The 8th Sunnyside Annual Taste of Ukraine Dinner & Auction is raising funds to run a Summer Camp for children in rural community in Kremidovka, Odessa Region. The funds will also provide continuous support for[...]
Вы не знаете, что такое OTTAWA RIBFEST? Просто посмотрите видео! Соревнования команд из Канады и США, лучшие ребрышки, соусы и многое другое:) Точное время смотрите в календаре.
The Ottawa Fringe Festival’s mandate is to afford all artists the opportunity to produce their art—regardless of experience, content, form or style—and for the event to be affordable and accessible to the community. The result[...]
The Summer Performance Party is coming up soon – June 22nd, Sunday at 6 pm. The sign-up sheet is now up at the studio. The tickets are $20 when purchased at the door and after[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Празднование Дня Канады состоится на Parliament Hill, в парках даунтауна, и на улицах всего города! Церемонии, развлечения для детей, музыкальные и акробатические представлений, фейерверки и многое-многое другое!