Eastern European Potluck by USEE is finally back. Get your stomachs ready for the most delicious food in the world. The rules have remained the same: come yourself and bring as many friends and[...]
Вернисаж пройдет 16 февраля, 2014 13:00-15:00. Выставка продлится с 16 февраля по 18 марта, 2014.
The ultimate girl’s day out! Shop ‘til you drop at over 250 exhibits and find everything from food and wine sampling, fashion shows, celebrity guests, free makeovers, health, wellness & beauty secrets, cooking demos,[...]
The ultimate girl’s day out! Shop ‘til you drop at over 250 exhibits and find everything from food and wine sampling, fashion shows, celebrity guests, free makeovers, health, wellness & beauty secrets, cooking demos,[...]
Come out to Ottawa’s most comprehensive and informative prenatal, baby and toddler event to learn all you need to know about this wonderful stage in life! Talk to the experts face-to-face, attend free expert seminars,[...]
Come out to Ottawa’s most comprehensive and informative prenatal, baby and toddler event to learn all you need to know about this wonderful stage in life! Talk to the experts face-to-face, attend free expert seminars,[...]
Старашая студия театра “В Некотором Царстве” (дети 10-14 лет). Наши юные театральные критики устроят прямо перед вами обсуждение и разбор только что просмотренных спектаклей. Дискуссия пройдёт на английском языке. Sat. May 10th at 1:15 and[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” (OnceUponAKingdom.com) – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Мыльные пузыри” по скандинавской сказке Синкен Хопп. Представление пройдёт на фестивале Ottawa International Children’s Festival, 100[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Путешествие с планеты на планету”: фантазия на тему космоса, звёзд и[...]
Junior English Group (ages 8-13) of Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre. Physical performance that presents mask work, poems, choreography and elements of stage combat. We invite audiences of all ages! Followed by celebration and potluck[...]
Спектакль младшей студии театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) – представление на русском языке. Наши младшие студийцы (6-10 лет) покажут спектакль “Мыльные пузыри” по скандинавской сказке Синкен Хопп. После представления – праздничный[...]
The 8th Sunnyside Annual Taste of Ukraine Dinner & Auction is raising funds to run a Summer Camp for children in rural community in Kremidovka, Odessa Region. The funds will also provide continuous support for[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Spend a summer evening with friends and family. Enjoy an Ottawa tradition and watch a performance by a national icon! The performance line-up promises to be memorable with something for spectators of all ages. The[...]
Празднование Дня Канады состоится на Parliament Hill, в парках даунтауна, и на улицах всего города! Церемонии, развлечения для детей, музыкальные и акробатические представлений, фейерверки и многое-многое другое!
A Company of Fools is back with the ever popular Torchlight Shakespeare – bringing Shakespeare to Ottawa’s parks all summer long! This season the hilarious romantic comedy As You Like It will play July 3rd-August[...]
Младшая студия театра “В Некотором Царстве” (Once Upon A Kingdom Theatre) покажет отрывки из спектакля “Путешествие с планеты на планету” в рамках оттавского музыкального фестиваля Music & Beyond. Фантазия на тему космоса, звёзд и инопланетных жителей,[...]
This year’s show, The Financier (Turcaret) by Alain-René Lesage, original translation by Joanne Miller and Laurie Steven, sees the return of founder and artistic director, Laurie Steven directing in the park for the first time since 2005. This[...]
This is your chance to come and visit with representatives, ask questions, gather information, have your documents reviewed, and listen to experts at the free seminars. Meet with universities and colleges offering a wide range[...]
Come and stroll through a hauntingly beautiful and spellbinding outdoor exhibit of now close to 6,000 hand-carved pumpkins, set against a stirring night-time backdrop just inside the gates of historic Upper Canada Village. Marvel at[...]
Living Art of Bodypainting presented by Art Fashion Studio at the Ottawa Art Expo ——————————————- OCTOBER 25-26 2014 10:00-17:00 ST. ELIAS CENTRE 750 Ridgewood Avenue Ottawa Free Parking and Admission www.ottawaartexpo.com ——————————————- Photographer: Dmitri Moisseev[...]
On Tuesday, October 28th, the University of Ottawa Ukrainian Students’ Club (SUSK Ottawa) invites you to come to the Terminus in the UCU (near the Tim Horton’s, outside 1848) and experience the University of Ottawa’s[...]
The 2014 Ottawa Valley Cat Show will be held on November 1-2 at the Nepean Sportsplex. More information will be posted in September/October as plans are finalized. Show Flyer POSTER (English) POSTER (French) Entry form[...]
Любовь растопит сердца лед.. 9 ноября в 14:00 Мьюзикл для детей и взрослых! Впервые в Оттаве – мьюзикл по мотивам красивой и доброй сказки. Это красочное представление исполняется детьми: талантливыми актерами, танцорами. Музыка, специально написання[...]
Если вам нравились сказки 1001 Ночь, Великолепный Век и Старик Хоттабыч, хехе – то вам К НАМ, на израильскую – восточную вечеринку!