The Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies is pleased to present: Modern Transformations of the Russian Society and State A talk by Dr. Alexander S. Zapesotskiy Rector of St. Petersburg University of Humanities and[...]
Hello Russophiles! We are back for the new academic year and we are inviting you to celebrate the beginning of it! We will be holding our event in DMS 1130 between 7pm-10pm. Light refreshments will[...]
BERLIN . MOSCOW National Socialist Architecture, 1933-1945 Stalin’s Architectural Legacy, 1922-2012 An Artist Talk by Leslie Hossack Ottawa photographer Leslie Hossack will present her award-winning photographs exploring the monumental events and architecture of Berlin and[...]
* Познакомьтесь с преподавателями Русской программы, студентами, уже обучающимися на ней и организаторами Русского Клуба * Получите информацию из первых рук о программах обмена с Московскими. Ст-Петербургскими и другими российскими ВУЗами от студентов, участвовавших в[...]