Домой Календарь


May 20 @ 23:00 – May 21 @ 00:30 Banquet Hall, Woodroffe United Church
Junior English Group (ages 8-13) of Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre. Physical performance that presents mask work, poems, choreography and elements of stage combat. We invite audiences of all ages! Followed by celebration and potluck[...]
Jul 3 @ 19:00 – Aug 16 @ 22:00 Ottawa Parks, www.fools.ca for details
A Company of Fools is back with the ever popular Torchlight Shakespeare – bringing Shakespeare to Ottawa’s parks all summer long! This season the hilarious romantic comedy As You Like It will play July 3rd-August[...]
Jul 24 @ 20:00 – Aug 24 @ 22:00
This year’s show, The Financier (Turcaret) by Alain-René Lesage, original translation by Joanne Miller and Laurie Steven, sees the return of founder and artistic director, Laurie Steven directing in the park for the first time since 2005. This[...]
Dec 14 @ 14:30 – 15:30 207 Woodroffe Ave, Banquet Hall
December 14th, 2:30-3:30pm (Senior Group): Advanced Acting Open Class. Location: Banquet Hall at Woodroffe United Church, 207 Woodroffe Ave. The focus of this term has been process, not presentation; to that end we would love[...]
Dec 15 @ 17:30 – 19:00 207 Woodroffe Ave, Banquet Hall
December 15th, 5:30-7:00pm (Junior Group #1): Spooks and Sounds. Location: Banquet Hall at Woodroffe United Church, 207 Woodroffe Ave. From the land of monsters and witches comes our tales of hauntings and myth. Through the[...]
Dec 16 @ 19:00 – 20:30 207 Woodroffe Ave, Lower Hall
December 16th, 7:00-8:30pm (Junior Group #2): Living Objects: A Workshop in Puppetry Location: Lower Hall at Woodroffe United Church, 207 Woodroffe Ave. From small refined details to large boisterous personalities our actors have been working[...]
May 9 @ 12:00 Школа Св.Кирилла и Мефодия
Приглашаем ветеранов, современников войны, всех жителей Оттавы на праздничный концерт 9 мая в 12 часов в актовом зале школы св.Кирилла и Мефодия.
May 30 @ 19:30 Kailash Mital Theatre
Приглашаем вас на спектакль “Закулисная комедия” по мотивам пьесы Н.Коляды “Курица”  театр им.Варпаховского 30 мая в 19.30.
Dec 5 all-day
Saturday, December 5th, 2015 10:30am, 12:00pm, 13:30pm This show is created specifically for the youngest audience members – 6 months to 5 years old. Children will be invited into soft and stimulating atmosphere where they[...]
Dec 11 @ 18:30 Woodroffe United Church
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
Dec 15 @ 18:45 Woodroffe United Church
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
Dec 17 @ 18:30 Woodroffe United Church
We are happy to invite you to another series of Open Theatre Presentations where our students will share with you some secrets of theatre creation that they were busy with for the past 3 months.[...]
Dec 27 @ 14:00 Kanata Theatre
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Dec 28 @ 14:00 Kanata Theatre
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Dec 29 @ 14:00 Kanata Theatre
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Dec 30 @ 14:00 Kanata Theatre
A musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film Original music and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman Book by Julian Fellowes New songs and additional music[...]
Jan 9 @ 19:00 Academic Hall - University of Ottawa
Приглашаем на романтическую комедию Бернарда Слейда “НА ТОМ ЖЕ МЕСТЕ В БУДУЩЕМ ГОДУ” 9 января в 19.00 Режиссёр: Продан Димов В ролях: Иван Логвинов и Екатерина Серебрякова Location: Academic Hall, 135 Seraphin-Marion Pvt, University of Ottawa *Located[...]
Feb 7 @ 14:00 – 17:00 Ukrainian Hall
Please join us at 1000 Byron on February 7, 2016 at 2pm for a Lvivski Muzyky Christmas Carol. Tickets can be purchased at Buduchnist credit Union for$20 and will be available at the door. A part of[...]
Mar 5 @ 12:30 Школа Парус
Новорожденный, но энергичный театральный коллектив «Зебра» ZEBRA Theatre in Ottawa – Театр ЗЕБРА в Оттаве (художественный руководитель – Мария Конева) приглашает детей и их родителей на постановку Сказки о Потерянном времени (по мотивам Е. Шварца).[...]
Mar 10 @ 19:00 CYM Hall
Студенческий клуб украинцев Карлетона приглашает Вас на мастер-класс украинского повара по приготовлению вареников! Приходите с друзьями и узнайте как правильно готовится это традиционное блюдо украинской кухни. Следите за страничкой мероприятия на Facebook что бы узнать[...]
May 6 @ 20:00 – May 7 @ 01:00 Ukrainian Banquet Hall
Party like a Kozak at the Korchma! Our Ukrainian Pub Night will launch the 2016 festival with food, drinks, music, and dance. Come join Заповідь / Zapovid and Lemon Bucket Orkestra for a night to[...]
May 21 @ 18:00 – 20:00 University of Ottawa - Academic Hall
Once Upon a Kingdom Children’s Theatre Studio presents an evening of TWO shows… “The Legend of Parvana Lake”/ “Легенда о Неугасимом Огне” by Advanced Acting class Directed by Ekaterina Vetrov An original show presented in[...]
Jan 28 @ 16:00 – 19:30 Woodroffe United Church
Присоединяйтесь к театру Once Upon a Kingdom Theatre, чтобы отпраздновать наш 8-й День рождения! Чего ожидать: НОВОЕ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ “Chronos Ville”!!! На этот раз мы создадим целое шоу, посвященное дню рождения нашего театра. Больше 30-и исполнителей будут[...]