Домой Фестиваль Puppets Up!

Puppets Up!

Aug 8, 2014 – Aug 10, 2014 all-day
Mill Street
Mississippi Mills, ON K0A 1A0
$10-20 Day Pass

The Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival is a high quality international event that celebrates the art of puppetry – a folk art found in every country of the world that speaks to the young and old alike. On the weekend of August 9 &10 2014, the puppets will be at it again entertaining visitors to Almonte (part of the Town of Mississippi Mills), Ontario, with ten professional puppet troupes. During the two day festival over 60 shows will performed in tented theatres along the banks of the Mississippi River.

Celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, Puppets Up! is all about fun and the magical impacts of puppets. During the festival, puppets are everywhere. They zoom by on motorcycles and they hang from the balconies. They are ten feet tall and small enough to sit in your hand. Puppets on fingers, puppets on strings, puppets that can walk on their own, puppets that look like famous Canadians, puppets that make you laugh just looking at them – it’s all part of the daily festivities at the Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival.